Randy Harris Online

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Data Defeats Ego

Data are the stones that help Davids overcome Goliaths.

And if you’re in a position of power, and making decisions without data, it’s critical that you know this…

Ego brings with it downfall.

When in power, Ego is DESIGNED to maintain the status quo.

It stifles innovation. Resists change. And mocks things new.

It leans on confirmation bias and uses cliches and stereotypes to justify laziness and lack.

Lack of truth.
Lack of Understanding.
Lack of will to change or try things new.

It’s all Braun, no Brain.

And it has a kryptonite in Data.

Billy Beane knew this. His management team knew this. Scott Hatterberg knew this.

And so they used data to take down giants.

To do things others said their abilities wouldn’t allow them to do.

They ignored the naysayers. And they accomplished differently.

They were entrepreneurial. Using data as their truth - not tradition, or legacy.

Those willing to explore data for its truth are setting ego aside.

For them, their achievements are boundless.